Nursing: New RN and EN competency standards and PDRP
Nursing Council New Zealand (NCNZ) have published new RN and EN scopes and competency standards. These come into effect from 20 January 2025.
We will be providing presentations, education and resources on these changes to nurses at a range of forums across the District throughout February and March to assist our workforce to familiarise with and embed these changes over the coming months.
A number of nurses are asking what this means for the PDRP. For the time being nothing is changing. Our PDRP programmes will continue as they are well into 2025. The National DON group (Directors of Nursing for all Districts) is leading a project to update the PDRP Framework using these new competency standards. This will take time to develop and then implement, so we do not anticipate any changes to our local PDRP programmes within the next six months.
APC declarations and NCNZ recertification audits will reflect the new competency standards from 1 April 2025. For further information, visit NCNZ.
Submitting Portfolios /latest-nursing-graphic-transparent-1.png)
The submission dates for Expert, Accomplished and Senior are the last day of the month February-November inclusive.
Hutt Valley PDRP has a new email address!
The Professional Development and Recognition Program (PDRP) at Hutt Valley now has a dedicated email address:
Please start using for all your PDRP questions and communications.
Education and workshops
PDRP portfolio development workshops are available for booking. For nurses within Hutt hospital, including our community nurses and Regional Public Health nurses, please book through MyPay. For nurses from ARC, NGOs, and Primary Health care please email your name and contact number and preferred date to
The PDRP Assessor Workshop is available for nurses who complete PDRP peer assessments and/or portfolio assessments.
In-service PDRP education in clinical areas may be arranged on an 'as required' basis by emailing:
If you work in the Wairarapa area, please contact PDU at Wairarapa DHB for help.
Further information for the PDRP workshops can be found on the Training Opportunities page.
About ePortfolio
Currently, all nurses working in Hutt Valley hospital, local Regional Public Health, and District Nursing are using ePortfolio. If you work for a health organisation within the Hutt Valley area, such as a PHO, NGO or ARC, then we can arrange access to ePortfolio for you.
Sign up for ePortfolio
Hospital, RPH and Community nurses: please access ePortfolio through Ko Awatea.
Nurses in ARC, PHO and NGOs, please contact if you would like to discuss using ePortfolio.
How to use ePortfolio
Nurses working for Te Whatu Ora Hutt Valley must submit their PDRP electronically. Our how-to guides will help you navigate and use ePortfolio. You will need to use Google Chrome to access the ePortfolio system.
Transferring your PDRP
The transfer of PDRP is required for nurses who are new to the organisation.
What you need to do
A PDRP application for transfer must be completed and sent to You must include evidence of you PDRP, e.g. a copy of the success letter or PDRP certificate.
For nurses in the primary sector, the new employing organisation must have a Workforce and Professional Development (WPD) Agreement with Te Whatu Ora CCHV.
Huarahi Whakatu – Māori PDRP
We recognise the Huarahi Whakatū Māori PDRP as a legitimate programme that supports Māori Nursing workforce across our regions Nursing services. For more information about the Huarahi Whakatū PDRP please visit the Te Rau Matatini website.
PDRP help and support
Who to contact for further information
Please refer to the PDRP handbook for full information regarding PDRP. You can also contact your CNE, CNS, CNM or Nurse Director/ professional lead for your service.
For specific inquiries please contact