This page is about Hutt Integrated Network of Care, an alliance of Hutt Valleys’ district health board and primary health organisations.
Hutt INC was formed in 2013 with an Alliance Agreement between Hutt Valley District Health Board and the Hutt Valley’s primary health organisations Cosine Primary Care Network Trust and Te Awakairangi Health Trust Board.
Hutt INC’s purpose is to improve health outcomes by providing increasingly integrated and co- ordinated health services through clinically-led service development and its implementation within a "best for patient, best for system" framework.
Members of Hutt INC
The network is made up of a group of key clinical leaders, key managers from provider organisations, and the Hutt Valley District Health Board, who have been selected to successfully lead our Alliance to achieve its objectives:
Fionnagh Dougan, CEO, Hutt Valley DHB
Bridget Allan, CEO, Te Awakairangi Health Network
Cathy Lindsay, Practice Nurse
Chris Masters, General Practitioner, Cosine Primary Care Network Trust
Tom Thomson, Senior Medical Officer, Hutt Valley DHB
Chris King, Director Allied Health, Scientific and Technical, Hutt Valley DHB
Sisira Jayathissa, Chief Medical Officer, Hutt Valley DHB
Theresa Fowler, Nursing Director, Primary Health and Integrated Care Wairarapa and Hutt Valley DHB
Melissa Brown, Chief Operating Officer, Hutt Valley DHB
Hata Wilson, Manager, Te Runanganui o Te Ati Awa ki Te Upoko o Te Ika
Cheryl Davies, Manager, Tu Kotahi Asthma Trust, Kokiri
Paul Rowan, General Practitioner, Cosine Primary Care Network Trust
Chris Kerr, Director of Nursing, Hutt Valley DHB
Tua Taueetia-Su’a, Equity Lead Bowel Screening Central Region, Hutt Valley DHB
Andrew Linton, Senior Medical Officer, Hutt Valley DHB
Phil Shirley, General Practitioner
Kim Hurst, General Practitioner
David Mitchell, Community Pharmacist
Clinical Networks
Hutt INC provides governance over the work happening to integrate health services in the Hutt Valley. Three Hutt Valley clinical networks have been formed in these areas:
There are also subregional workstreams that have been formed to work across Hutt Valley, Capital and Coast and Wairarapa DHBs in these areas:
- Health Pathways & Health Navigator
- Information Management Alliance (IMA)
- Falls Prevention
- Advance Care Planning
- Palliative Care Strategy