Nurses, healthcare assistants (HCAs) and midwives who belong to the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) union are planning to strike in December.
There's been no change to scheduled appointments, but expect the hīkoi to cause congestion on the roads.
We’re delighted to share the news on World Radiology Day, 8 November, that two new x-ray machines – the first of their kind in Asia-Pacific – were recently installed at Wellington and Kenepuru Hospitals.
Celebrating the outstanding contribution our Allied Professionals make to better health and wellbeing outcomes.
Local jobseekers have an exciting new opportunity to begin a career in Health following the launch of a new community-based kaiāwhina programme in the Hutt Valley.
Lower Hutt resident receives donated kidney after eight-year battle with kidney disease.
Neurology telestroke service now region-wide
Providing career information in a work environment is invaluable...
New radiography machines bring improved and faster imaging, enhancing the x-ray experience for both staff and patients.
Hospital experience inspires high school student, Hana Burkitt, to consider becoming a surgeon