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(04) 566 6999

Published Tuesday 7 Aug 2018

Did you know that you can make and change your own outpatient appointments online? Hutt Valley DHB’s ubook system will help you arrange an outpatient or radiology appointment through your computer, tablet or mobile phone at a time that suits you. No more trying to make phone calls during working hours – do it yourself whenever it’s convenient for you.

The system has various features to make booking appointments easy. All you need when you log on to use ubook is your appointment letter. This will show your NHI number and a booking number. By entering these numbers, the system recognises you and any appointments already booked. Sometimes a date is chosen for you on your letter, or sometimes you can choose the time.

Once an appointment is made you can change it, if for any reason you can’t keep the appointment. Again, all you need is your NHI and booking numbers.

Ubook is easy to find from the front page of our website. You don’t need any special software or apps – just the internet browser your device comes with. Look for the ubook picture (above) or bookmark the ubook page. If you have any questions there are lots of answers to common questions on the FAQ page.

If you really need to speak to someone you can phone us – see the contact details page. But remember – the ubook system is designed to free up your time and leave staff with more time to help people when they’re at their appointment. Give it a try!