Hutt Valley DHB Logo

(04) 566 6999

Endoscopy and Medical Day Stay Department

Ground Floor, Theatre and Emergency Department building, Hutt Hospital, High Street, Lower Hutt
Phone: 570 9191 (Endoscopy Procedures bookings clerk)
570 9158 (Endoscopy Outpatients and Medical Day Stay)

Hospital map.

Opening Hours: 0830-1700 Monday-Friday.
Closed weekends and public holidays.


The Endoscopy and Medical Day Stay department provides an extensive range of services including diagnostic examination procedures and treatments, and outpatient clinics. We also provide intravenous infusions such as iron and blood transfusions, as well as specialised medications for patients with long term conditions.

Below is a list of services provided by the Endoscopy and Medical Day Stay Department. Click on the links for further information and frequently asked questions about what each procedure involves, what you will need to do beforehand and what will happen afterwards.


Gastroenterology outpatients service

Specialist nurses – inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and hepatitis. Please contact them via the main Endoscopy phone number on 570 9158.


Information about the National Bowel Screening Programme