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Published Tuesday 9 Feb 2016

How long is long enough for kids on computers?

How much computer time is enough?

Your child should spend less than two hours a day outside of school hours in front of the television, computers and game consoles. All children and young people 18 and under should aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day.

Remember that doing some physical activity is better than none and building up to 60 minutes will help your child get fit and reduce the risk of becoming overweight. Good habits made early reduce the risk of developing heart disease, cancer and some types of diabetes later in life. Active children are also more likely to concentrate better, be more confident, make friends easier, be happy, relaxed and sleepbetter.

How to get kids active

Activity doesn’t have to be done all at once. It can be enjoyed in small blocks of time throughout the day. Encourage your child to take part in sport but remember that not everyone likes organised sports so try to find activities your child will enjoy.

Be a good role model and let your kids see you being active and enjoying it. Kids love it when their parents play or spend time with them so plan active family time such as a bush or beach walks, walking to the library or shops, or kicking balls for fun. Involve your child in daily chores, such as gardening, washing the car, cleaning. Use physical activity as a reward and never as a punishment.